Cremona Musica Award for the Stauffer Academy

On the occasion of the 38th edition of Cremona Musica, the Stauffer Academy was awarded the Cremona Musica Award in the “Project” category for its innovative educational approach, the variety of its training offer, and its constant commitment to the artistic growth of young musicians. The award ceremony took place on September 28 at the Giovanni Arvedi Auditorium of the Violin Museum.


The award was received by Alessandro Tantardini, the President of the Stauffer Foundation, together with Angelica Suanno, Director of the Academy, and Salvatore Accardo, Bruno Giuranna, Franco Petracchi, Cristiano Gualco, and Alberto Bocini.



The evening was animated by the performances of Stauffer students and alumni. Violinist Simon Zhu, winner of the 57th Paganini Prize, performed pieces by Bach and Paganini, while the Quartetto Goldberg played the first movement of Haydn’s Quartet Op. 76 No. 2 and Schulhoff’s Five Pieces for String Quartet.